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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around Ch
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News - Art

11th Dec 2023
It's Christmas Art Day! So why not celebrate by printing a Christmas Tree.

2022/2023 School Year

29th Mar 2023
The children participated in a day of discussion and art during World Views day.  The...
22nd Mar 2023
We had a lot of fun today. Firstly, we made our own natural colours and then proceeded...
17th Mar 2023
As part of the 'Human Form' unit 2J have created Damien Hirst style skulls portraits....
13th Mar 2023
We have really enjoyed making tiles from clay and we've slip to colour our design....
9th Feb 2023
4L have been recreating David Hockney's famous swimming pool paintings.
12th Dec 2022
The children have had a great time today, thinking about the big question:  Do...
6th Dec 2022
Having completed our papier mache Ancient Greek inspired pots we are now having a...
20th Oct 2022
In Art this term we had lots of fun exploring shading, blending and botanical drawing....
11th Oct 2022
We have been looking at the work of the artist Paul Nash and how he was influenced...