Welcome to Starfish webpage, this year your child will be taught by Mrs Hardy. The class teaching assistants will be Mrs Mason and Mrs Costelloe. Starfish class is a smaller class where we can focus more on the individual needs of each child. This page is where you will come to find out what your child is learning each term, class routines, key information and a gallery of photos and news.
Daily Routines:
Each morning the class will be open for registration at 8.45 AM. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly so they do not miss out on breakfast and our wellbeing check in. We will then start our formal learning of Read Write Inc, English and maths. Our curriculum will also include science, topic, history/geography, nurturing and well being activities.
P.E. Monday and Wednesdays: Please ensure that your child has a school issued PE kit- consisting of dark navy T-shirt, shorts and trainers. Make sure that your child attends school wearing their PE Kit. Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather. Fleeces, hoodies, leggings, tracksuit and jogging bottoms are also allowed in navy or black.
Supporting your child at home
Please ensure that your child routinely reads at home with an adult. We recommend 15 minutes supported reading at least three times a week. Your child has been issued with their own reading record book so you can log each time they read and add any comments. If you would like any guidance on how to support your child at home, please feel free to speak to us.
You can also check out Purple Mash for plenty of educational activities to help with your child's learning. Purple Mash will feature plenty of spelling practice, tables practice and much, much more to help your child improve. These are general programmes all children can access using their log in details.
Don't forget to look at the weekly newsletter for information and key dates. You can contact us on ClassDojo if you have any questions or queries.
Starfish News
Teaching Assistant
Class Photograph
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645