Religious Education

RE Curriculum
At Christ Church Church of England Academy our aspiration is that every child should be a: successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and an effective contributor to society and at work.
Religious Education seeks to make a major contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils by helping them to acquire the knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other major religions represented in Britain. It also helps them to develop their own beliefs and values.
R.E plays a very important part in our broad, balanced and coherent curriculum to which all pupils are entitled at Christ Church. Through using a variety of teaching techniques such as drama, art, discussion, use of artefacts, stories, pictures, periods of stillness and reflection, pupils have opportunities to learn both about religion and from religion. Our working walls show the journey of learning throughout a whole unit of work and enable pupils to interact and respond to key questions, ideas and beliefs. Pupil responses are either recorded on post it-notes, in thought bubbles or through illustrations.
The Church of England's Statement of Entitlement (see link) highlights the importance of pupils developing the skills to be able to explore, discuss and begin to develop their own spiritual and philosophical position*.
Our Religious Education programme is enriched and deepened by our Philosophy 4 Children approach. The underlying principle is for children and young people to experience rational and reasonable dialogue about things that matter to them and their teachers. All participants work together in a ‘community of enquiry’. The aim for each child is not to win an argument but to become clearer, more accurate, less self-contradictory and more aware of other arguments and values before reaching a conclusion.
*"Learners should be inspired by the subject and develop a wide range of higher level skills such as enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection... [One of the stated aims of Religious Education in a Church of England school is] to contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values... [There is an expectation that all pupils will be able to] engage in meaningful and informed dialogue with those of other faiths and none [and] reflect critically and responsibly on their own spiritual, philosophical and ethical convictions." (A Statement of Entitlement, The Church of England Education Office)
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645