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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around Ch
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Parent Survey Autumn 2022

1)    My child is happy at Christ Church

99% - Agree or Strongly Agree

2)    My child feels safe at Christ Church

97% - Agree or Strongly Agree

3)    Christ Church makes sure its pupil are well behaved

99% - Agree or Strongly Agree

4)    Christ Church deal with bullying effectively

98% - Agree or Strongly Agree

5)    Christ Church makes me aware of what my child is learning

94% - Agree or Strongly Agree

6)    Christ Church responds well to any concerns I raise

98% - Agree or Strongly Agree

7)    My child has SEND and Christ Church gives them the support they need to succeed

97% - Agree or Strongly Agree

8)    Christ Church has high expectations for my child

99% - Agree or Strongly Agree

9)    My child does well at Christ Church

97% - Agree or Strongly Agree

10)  Christ Church lets me know how my child is doing

90%- Agree or Strongly Agree

11)  There are a good range of subjects available for my child at Christ Church

98% - Agree or Strongly Agree

12)  My child can take part in clubs or activities at Christ Church

97% - Agree or Strongly Agree

13)  Christ Church supports my child’s wider development

98% - Agree or Strongly Agree

14) Christ Church is well led and managed

99% - Agree or Strongly Agree

15)  I would recommend Christ Church to another parent

98% - Yes