Access Keys:

Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around Ch
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Welcome to our classroom.

We would like to welcome you to Our Classroom and invite you to learn about the seahorses class with our website page. 

Our classroom page will be regularly updated with pictures, artwork and videos outlining the many exciting things happening in our classroom so please keep checking back for new information. However our Class Dojo page will b the primary source of information.

What can you do to help?

  • Encourage friendships outside of school i.e. invite a friend home to play
  • Talk about things that your child has enjoyed / disliked about their day
  • Encourage independence i.e. let them put their own shoes, clothes, coats on.
  • Share both school reading books and their own books
  • Make up their own stories / make a story map / write their own story.
  • Share traditional fairy stories
  • Recite rhymes
  • Sound and word recognition (use the RWI green books that are in their book bags to help)
  • Count objects at home / on the way to school i.e. how many red cars can they see
  • Sort objects according to colour / size / shape

I hope that this and the curriculum information document have given you an insight into some of the things that we are up to. Come and ask if you are unsure of anything and please try and find time to attend the workshops, parents evenings and informal class visits that we will be providing throughout the year to show you how you can help further. 

Mrs Roberts



1st Jul 2024
Baa Baa Black Sheep
13th May 2024
Big Bear Funk
28th Mar 2024
What a beautiful service we had at Holy Trinity Church to celebrate the season of...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph



Mrs Roberts
Mrs Roberts

Year R Teacher

Mrs Iqbal
Mrs Iqbal

Teaching Assistant

Miss Mills
Miss Mills

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Atkins
Mrs Atkins


Deputy DSL