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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around Ch
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The Christ Church Experience

We have worked together as a whole school community – children, parents, staff and governors – to think about our curriculum. What should the children learn? Who should they meet? What experiences should they have had? Where should they have been? We used this to design our own curriculum that it is ambitious, exciting and a rollercoaster ride from the moment you join us to the second you leave! We call it the “Christ Church Experience” – hold on tight, and enjoy the ride…


Parents/visitors/anyone can find out more about our curriculum by looking on our curriculum page. We also post termly curriculum overviews, on Class Dojo pages, which give more detail about what is being learnt that term.  You can also come and find out more about our curriculum by speaking to a member of teaching Staff.



The CC Experience Overview


16th Jul 2024
4L have been cooking delicious pizzas!
22nd May 2024
Spirituality Day - A special day for all!A huge thank you to our lovely Mrs Carter...
25th Mar 2024
The children looked at the question of Why do some people think that life is a journey? They...
16th Nov 2023
We celebrated World Philosophy Day on 16th November by thinking and reflecting on...

Term 6 topics


Term 5 topics


Term 4 topics


Term 3 topics


Term 2 Topics


Term 1 Topics


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