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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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1K Class Page

Welcome back to school and into Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful break with your children and are now enjoying getting back into the school routine. The Year 1 teachers are really looking forward to working with the children and this term is very much about getting used to new rules and routines. There are so many things that the children haven’t yet experienced, due to Covid. 

Our 1K staff members this year are:

1K: Miss Kelland (Class Teacher), Mrs Atkins(PPA Cover and Support), Mrs Barlett (Teaching Assistant) Miss Cumming (1to1 Teaching Assistant).

We are also extremely fortunate to have additional support with reading from Mrs Reene, Mrs Carter, Mrs Choudhury and Mrs Clampitt.

If you have any problems or questions please don’t hesitate to contact one of us on Class Dojo or pass a message to a staff member on the gate.  For more important issues, please make an appointment to see us.



Children will be working on their phonic sounds in Read Write Inc.  For these lessons the children are split into smaller groups, according to ability, which allows us to teach to their specific level and it does mean that the progression will happen more efficiently.

In our English lessons we are thinking about traditional tales and fairy tales and different genres of writing such as recounts, diary entries, lost posters, letters and poems.   We will be writing short, simple sentences with a full stop at the end, checking our work and learning some of the capital letters. Through the year we will be using adjectives and verbs to make our sentences more interesting to read. 

We will be looking at handwriting skills including: sitting position, pencil grip, paper position and doing some warm up exercises to prepare the body for writing.  You can use the same resources that we have in the classroom by googling ‘teach handwriting’ and going to the Parents section.  There are many activities that you can do at home and this will be a great way to support your children’s progress.



In maths we are using White Rose maths resources to support the learning. 

We will be focusing on number: place value within 10, 20 and 50.  Whilst some children need additional support in this area, others are working quite competently and they will be provided with additional material to enhance their learning so that they can master the ideas and concepts. 

We are learning number bonds to 10: 0+10, 1+9, 2+8, etc., counting forwards and backwards, finding one more/one less, counting on, counting back, and more. 

At this age, children need lots of opportunities to use concrete objects and they are provided with a range of things and will also be representing numbers by using pictures.

Maths lessons can be very lively but we are seeing children start to switch on to maths and really enjoy it!



The children have been very excited to see that science is on our timetable. We will learn all about everyday materials, weather and seasons, animals including humans and plants. Children need to know what different objects are made from and describe some of the properties of different materials. We will look at different ways of recording results from experiments and observations. We will also start to think about what would be a good learning question to investigate further.



In Year 1 the children’s learning areas are:  weather and seasons.  This includes learning the names of each month and season and finding out all about the seasons, how they are different and what happens in each one.  We have already had a short seasonal walk where we picked up leaves and noticed the different colours all around us.  We will also be using art to represent seasons in various different ways.  We will compare Physical and human geography. 



This year we are extremely fortunate to be providing two PE lessons each week.  As you already know, some children will swim this term and some next term.  In ‘Attack, Defend, Shoot’ we will be practicing basic movements including running, jumping etc and beginning to take part in competitive activities.   In ‘Hit, Catch, Run’ children will be hitting objects with their hand or a bat, tracking and retrieving a rolling ball and throwing and catching a variety of balls and objects.  


RE/World Faiths

We will be looking at Christianity and Judaism.



This is the resource we are using for PSHE and aims to prepare young children for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people. 



We will be using the Charanga scheme of work to learn how pulse, rhythm and pitch work together.



In art we are going to be finding out about the famous artist ‘Lowry’ and looking at how he uses tones and tints as well as observing methods he used to draw people.  Collage and painting techniques will be used to create some Autumnal scenes.

In Design and Technology we will be linking to our science topic of materials and making a bed or duvet cover for the Princess, using appropriate materials.   



Please read regularly, at least 3 times a week.  We will be sending spellings home from the Read Write Inc groups for the children to learn and they will be tested each week.  We will set some maths practice activities on Purple Mash or a similar online learning activity.



22nd May 2024
Spirituality Day - A special day for all!A huge thank you to our lovely Mrs Carter...
28th Mar 2024
What a beautiful service we had at Holy Trinity Church to celebrate the season of...
25th Mar 2024
The children looked at the question of Why do some people think that life is a journey? They...
7th Feb 2024
After an amazing worship on Monday led by Pola, who explained very confidently to...

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Miss Kelland
Miss Kelland

Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Hardy
Mrs Hardy

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Atkins
Mrs Atkins


Deputy DSL



Mrs Cooper
Mrs Cooper