Welcome to the Class 2B web page!
Hello Parents and Carers,
We hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable break; we look forward to welcoming the children back to commence with Term 4.
Just to let you know a few important pieces of information for the new term ahead.
Year 2 arrival time is 8:30am and end of day collection time is 3:00pm.
School Meals:
Ensure you book your child's school meals, via parent pay, by Friday for the following week. If you have any problems with this, please contact the main school office. Please also make sure your child has a water bottle filled with water (squash is only permitted with lunch).
PE is on Fridays for the whole class. Children need to wear their school-issue PE kits (navy T-shirt & shorts) to school. Plimsolls or plain black trainers are permitted footwear and children are allowed to wear tracksuit trousers and a hoodie when the weather is inclement. Please visit the office if you need to order new PE kit.
Swimming/PE- On Wednesdays there will be an additional Swimming or PE session to keep Class 2J active. A swimming coach will teach swimming sessions and the class teacher/s will take the non-swimming group out to carry out an additional PE session. The class will be split into two groups A and B. Group A will swim terms 1,3,5 and B 2,4,6. A PE timetable lists the children in each group and has been published via our Class Dojo page.
Reading at home
Our Reading Challenge continues and if we would like to win, we need all parents reading with their child for at least 10 minutes, 5 days a week. We ask parents to log in their child's Home Reading Record each night they have read over the course of a week. The whole school Reading Challenge is Lego themed this year and each night a child reads they add a lego brick to their class' total score. Regular reading support at home will help your child, the more they practice the better they will get. Our staff are always on hand to help with any concerns or advice you may seek with regards to support your child's reading journey at home.
Each week, the children get the follwing homework: Reading at least 3 times a week, Spellings from their RWinc. teachers and Maths which is set on Purple Mash as a ToDo.
Learning Term 4
The Christian value for our school this term is Forgiveness.
We will be including P4C (Philosophy for Children) in all areas of our learning this year to help us develop our thinking and communication skills.
Science- We will be learning about things that are alive, dead or never have been alive. We will then learn about habitats. They will be able to identify habitats, find a microhabitat in our school grounds and investigate and identify mini-beasts and plants that live within them. We will then look closer into how animals adapt to their habitats and make it possible to thrive within them. Finally, we will look at camouflage, how it works and record the results from the investigation in a bar chart.
English- This term the children will be learning about the fairy tale The Frog Prince continued. They will have the opportunity to create a wanted poster for the Frog Prince, write a short fairy tale and write instructions for a Tooth Fairy.
Spellings will focus on mastering Year 1 and 2 high-frequency words that feature tricky sounds e.g. said. They will also look at prefixes and suffixes and their uses. In grammar, they will review past tense, sentence types and use of exciting adjectives and adverbs. Punctuation work will look at question marks and exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes for contraction.
Maths- again, core skills will be covered this term including; Division as a way of grouping or sharing. Working within 10, 20, 50 and 100. Place value, addition and subtraction, order and comparing numbers. Properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Number bonds for 20 and 100.The 2-, 5- and 10 times tables.
Art- We will explore the human form. The children will experience formal elements in creating artistic pieces. The lessons will be wide-ranging and allow children to experience various artistic techniques. These include: creating body sculptures, drawing and decorating a skull, experimenting with collages and creating 3D drawings.
Geography- We will be looking into hot and cold places, where they are situated on our planet and identify animals that live there. We will look closer into which features enable these animals to survive in these habitats.
RE- This term we are learning about Salvation. Our big question in RE is “Why does Easter matter to Christians?”
Children will recognise that God, Incarnation, Gospel and Salvation are part of the ‘big story' of the Bible.
Music- Our unit is called Zootime. The principle song is in a Reggae-influenced style.
Jigsaw – PSHE We are looking into Healthy Me. That includes to know what I need to keep my body healthy, what relaxed means, how medicines work in our bodies and how to make healthy snacks.
Computing Year 2 will develop their familiarity with using the Purple Mash Platform. This term they will learn about coding and create their own simple codes to carry out objectives.
We welcome parents to come to chat with us about their child's development in the playground after school and love to hear about their successes at home. We are always here to help in any way we can. If you prefer to contact via Dojo or the school office then please do.
Please routinely visit our class webpage as it features updates of the children's learning and up-to-date information and announcements.
Best Wishes
Mrs Bell & 2B
Termly overviews
Senior Teaching Assistant KS1
Office Assistant
Year 2 Teacher
Christ Church CEP Academy, Brockman Road,
Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1DJ Telephone: 01303 253645