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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
Is your child starting primary school in September 2025? Or are you looking for a space in another year group? We are currently hosting tours of our amazing school - give the office a call today to book an appointment. We would love to show you around
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Welcome Parents and Carers,

Welcome to class 2J's home page. Here is the place to find out what your child will be learning at school (look at the curriculum overviews) or when your child is swimming (look at the swimming group list attachment). Also, there will be some posts of what the children have been up to recently. 

Being Organised:

Please keep an eye on weather forecasts each evening so your child has appropriate clothing e.g. a raincoat if it is going to rain. Drink bottles should be brought in by every child so they can hydrate themselves regularly and keep focussed on their learning. Class-based bottles should be filled with water (squash is only permitted with lunch). Please ensure that all drinking bottles, items of uniform and book bags are labelled with your child's names so they can easily be returned if they get misplaced. Please encourage your child to bring a backpack or reading book bag on days when you want them to return and swap over reading books. Book bags can be purchased from the school office. Keep up-to-date with the class stories on Dojo and Mr Flack's weekly newsletter; as this will keep you informed of upcoming events and important information. 

School Meals:

Ensure you book your child's school meals, via Arbor,  by Friday, for the following week. If you have any problems with this, please contact the main school office. 


(Pupil group list is in swimming & PE file located in Term Overview column to the right of his page)

PE sessions for the whole class are on Thursdays. Children need to wear their school-issue PE kits (navy T-shirt & shorts) to school on PE days Thursday/Tuesday). Plimsolls or plain black trainers are permitted footwear and children are allowed to wear tracksuit trousers and a hoodie when the weather is inclement. Please visit the office if you need to order a new PE kit. 

Swimming/PE- On Tuesdays, there will be an additional Swimming or PE/forest school session to keep Class 2J active. A swimming coach/teacher will teach swimming sessions and the class teacher/s will take the non-swimming group out to carry out an additional PE or forest school session. The class will be split into two groups A and B. Group A will swim terms 1,3 & 5 and Group B 2,4 & 6. A PE timetable lists the children in each group and has been published via our Class Dojo page. 

Reading at home

Our Reading Challenge relaunches with a pirate theme and if we would like to win the treasures, we need all parents to listen to their child reading for at least 10 minutes, 5 days a week. We ask parents to write in their child's Home Reading Record each night they have read over the course of a week.

The whole school Reading Challenge is to reward types of readers for their efforts for how frequently they read at home.  Each night a child reads to a grown-up at home they add a Dojo point to their class' total score. Regular reading support at home will help your child, the more they practice the better they will get. Our staff are always on hand to help with any concerns or advice you may seek with regard to supporting your child's reading journey. 

Homework (Set each week)

Reading three to five times a week to a grown at home- add dates, comments and sign in their yellow Reading Record. These need to come into school every Thursday so we can add your child's Dojos for each night they read that week. On Monday please return phonic reading books to be changed for that week and on Thursdays levelled and bedtime story books can be changed. 

Spellings- these will focus on red/tricky words which will be set by your child's RWINc/phonics teacher. They will be tested on these each time they complete their phonics reading book.

We welcome parents to come to chat with us about their child's development in the playground after school and love to hear about their successes at home too. We are always here to help in any way we can. If you prefer to contact via Dojo or the school office then please do so. 

Please routinely visit our class webpage as it features updates of the children's learning and up-to-date information and announcements. 

Best Wishes

Mr Jell




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What a lovely morning we had a Holy Trinity Church for our Harvest service. The...
25th Sep 2024
The children had a lovely discussion in buddy worship about the Bible story of Zacchaeus....
20th Sep 2024
The children enjoyed a lovely morning worship at the  Harbour with other church...

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