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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent
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The home reading champions announced by Alf the Elf!

17th Dec 2019

Our 420 pupils plus staff all waited in excitement and anticipation as the gold coin totals from each class, earned throughout term 1 and 2 for home reading, were unveiled by Alf the Elf!

The top three classes were held in suspense but we are proud to announce the top three classes and the winning class are

3rd place with 1060 gold coins is 5KJ

2nd place with 1149 gold coins is 4LL

1st place with 1502 gold coins is 5CC

5CC then stayed in the hall for their winners party and had lots of fun celebrating their success.

Huge well done to the whole school as we reached our target of a collective 10,000 reads!! Our end total was 10,238 gold coins!!

And in January we start the challenge again so which class will be the next winners or can 5CC retain the title?!