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Christ Church, CEP Academy, Brockman Road, Folkestone, Kent

Science: Seasons- Autumn & Gardening

14th Oct 2021

Throughout the year, 2J will venture out into the school grounds to observe over time the changing seasons. Here they have explored the signs of Autumn and referred back to their learning in Year 1. We will continue to use our 5 senses to observe the changing seasons and compare our photos/records as the months' progress.

Next term we will explore and identify the habitats around the school and record observations throughout the coming terms again keeping a record of what we see. Things we will be looking out for are weather, temperature and which plants and animals have made these habitats their home. This will hopefully aid children in seeing the inter-connectedness of the life-science subjects and how we too are part of nature. 


Outside the classroom area, the children have also planted a selection of dwarf beans, strawberries, chrysanthemums and gooseberries. They enjoyed the gardening experience and are looking forward to observing the plants' growth in readiness for the unit studying plants later in the year.