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1A - RE: Christianity

3rd Nov 2021

Today 1A started our RE lessons to find out why Christmas is important to Christians.  We wondered how we knew that Christmas was coming.  Here are some of the responses.  Then we asked why Christmas was important to Christians - responses at the bottom of the page.  

How do you know that Christmas is coming? 

Aphra: it gets colder and Mum and Dad tell me. 

Delilah: after everybody’s birthday in the winter it will be Christmas.  My birthday is in November. 

Callum: you can go skiing in the snow. 

Ethan: leaves are falling off the trees. 

Raffy: There’s a big Christmas tree just down the hill next to the barber and when the lights come on that means it’s Christmas. 

Maria: you can build a snowman at Christmas. 

Evie: After Autumn it’s Winter and that’s when Christmas comes. 

Jaxon: Christmas is after my birthday which is at Halloween. 

Noah: There are 51 days till Christmas. 

Edie: when it’s nearly December. 

Darcie: my mum and dad got married and after that is Christmas. 

Leo: there are two more sleeps after my birthday. 

Lexi: you can make snow bunnies 

Darcie: you see loads of Christmas stuff in the shops. 

We all have an advent calendar. 

Why is Christmas important to Christians? 

  • Because it’s Jesus’ birthday. 
  • Jesus was alive. 
  • Jesus was born.